What is irritable bowel syndrome?

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is the term used to describe a range of gut related symptoms such as abdominal pain, constipation and diarrhoea. Bloating, wind, headaches, nausea, mucus or undigested particles in the stool, anxiety, cramps and depression are also associated with IBS.
What can trigger IBS?
There are many potential triggers of IBS such as:
- Stress, which can cause the digestive system to shut down and not work as effectively as it should.
- An imbalance in the microflora of the gut, known as dysbiosis. Which could be caused by an overgrowth of yeast such as candida, parasites, bad bacteria or SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth).
- It is also thought that some medication such as antibiotics can upset our gut microflora and cause an imbalance.
- Trigger foods such as gluten, wheat, dairy, refined carbohydrates, coffee, alcohol, tea and citrus foods are commonly reported as contributing to IBS symptoms.
- A poor diet, lacking in fibre, high in alcohol, trans fats, processed seed oils and sugar may also cause symptoms.
Have I got IBS?
The best place to start if you think you have IBS, is to get a diagnosis off your GP or healthcare provider. Then replacing some of your trigger foods, improving gut health and managing any potential stress that you may have could help alleviate symptoms.
You may also like to try some of the following recommendations which could be beneficial in helping to reduce IBS symptoms and improve gut health;

How can I reduce IBS symptoms and improve gut heath?
Reduce FODMAP foods
For some individuals, following a diet low in FODMAPS may have a favourable impact on IBS symptoms, especially abdominal pain, bloating, and diarrhoea. FODMAP is an acronym which stands for Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides and Polyols.
These types of foods are simple and complex sugars which some people may have difficulty absorbing. They can be found in a variety of foods, including some fruits and vegetables, milk and wheat.
Focus on zinc & B6
Include foods which are high in B6 and Zinc to help make enough stomach acid (hydrochloric acid) to breakdown foods effectively. These can be found in sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, hemp seeds, walnuts, avocado, peas, cocoa powder, brown rice, lentils, almonds, tofu and seafood many of which can be found in Purition and just one of the reasons consumer reports less IBS symptoms when consuming Purition regularly.
Choose anti-inflammatory foods
Increase anti-inflammatory foods which help with digestion such as turmeric, pineapple, papaya and ginger.
Swap your trigger foods
Introduce alternatives to specific trigger foods – for example; swapping wheat products for rice, buckwheat, lentils and swapping milk products for non-dairy alternatives such as coconut milk, oat milk, rice and hemp milk.
Increase your fibre intake
Increase soluble fibre from vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts and seeds and natural whole foods.

Can Purition be beneficial for people with IBS?
We believe that including Purition as part of a balanced diet may help to lessen the symptoms associated with IBS.
Purition is certified Gluten Free and is produced in a gluten free environment, which means that you will not be exposing yourself to gluten or wheat if this is one of your trigger foods and is equally good with a milk of your choosing, be that cows, goats, coconut or oat milk for our low FODMAP or vegan customers.
“I am finding the purition shakes are surprisingly filling. I have stomach issues and use these as a meal replacement to allow me to have something quick to eat that doesn’t cause a flare up for me! Purition is the only shake I’ve found that doesn’t cause an IBS flare up! Now I’m just hoping for some more flavors as they continue to grow in popularity!!”
Annon – Reviews.co.uk
Each variety of Purition incorporates many of the foods needed to help increase your intake of B6 and Zinc for stomach acid production, in the form of the seeds, brown rice and pea protein. It is also naturally low in sugar and high in soluble fibre through the psyllium husk and apple pectin.
Purition will also take the stress out of thinking what to have for breakfast each day and is great to take with you to work for a snack – simply blend it with your favourite milk and away you go!
Fibre in Purition:
Get the facts on fibre
What is a low FODMAP diet?
Meet gluten-free Frankie!
The importance of fibre
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