Meet Jenna – AKA The Gut Health Blogger

What inspired you to become a nutritional therapist?
I have Crohn’s disease and since being diagnosed, I’ve been fascinated about how the body works. I was writing my first book ‘Managing IBD’ when I embarked on a nutrition qualification. I really wanted to make sure I was seen as being able to offer scientific evidence and studies to back up my claims.
When and how did you decide to set up your blog?
I was diagnosed with IBD in 2013 and was living in China at the time. I really wanted to share my experiences and find others to connect with; so I started a blog to chronicle my travels and life with IBD.
What’s your favourite quick, real food family supper recipe?
I love using my slow cooker- I often add chicken, root vegetables, paprikia, turmeric and chicken stock in the slow cooker and just leave to simmer all day. It’s delicious and really good for you!
What three key pieces of advice would you give to someone who wants to improve their nutrition for digestive issues such as IBS and IBD?
IBS and IBD are two most common conditions but they are very different – but what they have in common is that patients need to learn how to really listen to their body. Keeping a food diary and paying attention to symptoms is crucial. Secondly, do not eliminate huge food groups all at once – seek support from a nutritionist or dietician about eliminating foods slowly and figuring out your triggers.
Finally, don’t avoid fibre! Many people with digestive conditions think fibre is the enemy, but it really isn’t. We need fibre to help with our gut bacteria and move our bowels-but those with diarrhoea will find softer, soluble fibre rich vegetables such as butternut squash and carrot easier to digest.
Jenna, what’s your…
Favourite breakfast? Avocado and banana smoothie with Purition Chocolate.
Favourite snack? I’m obsessed with Nakd bars- the new blueberry muffin flavour is unreal.
Favourite cook book? Liz Earle’s gut guide is a must-read in my book!
Your perfect weekend consists of... Walks with my dogs, a good book and a glass of red wine!
Connect with Jenna Farmer:
A Balanced Belly - A blog about healthy living, advice on gut health and free from recipes. As an IBD sufferer, Nutritional Therapist and someone who is also gluten and dairy intolerant.
Jenna wanted to create a site that helped people with all kinds of gut issues: from coeliac disease to IBS to Crohn’s. You’ll find her experiences, free from recipes that help her and general lifestyle tips.
It’s your one-stop blog for living a balanced and healthy life with a gut condition.
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