Super quick, easy & tasty... You can get this on the table in 10-15 minutes, with minimal ingredients too!
What you'll need
Enough for however many you're feeding, I cook for 2.
- Chicken breasts
- Rocket
- Mozzarella
- Tomatoes
- Fresh basil
For the dressing
- Olive oil
- Red wine vinegar
- ¼ clove garlic, grated
- Salt & pepper
What to do
- Butterfly or slice the chicken breasts horizontally into thin slices. This reduces the cooking time - perfect for when you're in a hurry and need to get something on the table, quick! You absolutely don't have to do this bit, but you can flatten the chicken further by gently hammering with a rolling pin or bottom of a pan (best to place place the chicken slice/s on a sheet of parchment/ greaseproof paper, with another one over the top so they're covered both sides before flattening, this is good so you can get the chicken the same thickness for an even and quick cook!).
- Add a knob of butter and a dash of olive oil to a frying pan. When it's hot, add the chicken slices, season with salt and pepper. Cook for 3-4 minutes each side until cooked through and leave to rest.
- While the chicken is resting, prepare a quick salad, or side of Broccoli al limone if you prefer something warm, I'll link recipe below in the notes. I had some tomatoes that needed using up so I roughly chopped those, added some mozzarella, rocket, basil, grated garlic, olive oil, red wine vinegar and salt & pepper.
This rocket and Caprese salad is such a fresh and tasty side, and would go with lots of other TDF dishes. Worth a try while we can still enjoy the best of British tomatoes!