Jemima Cooper triathlete reviews Purition

Meet Jemima, aspiring professional triathlete and long term admirer of Purition.
Currently studying at university, Jemima has quite the story to tell. After several years of training, she became a professional ballerina at the age of 19. But everything changed when a bout of illness turned her world upside down and brought with it a whole new perspective.
She found a new respect for healthy living, a new sport, a new challenge and a new love.
Just 20 months on and Jemima has recently returned from Spain where she took the silver medal in the European Middle Distance Championships. Next stop is her professional racing licence, as she continues to race on the international stage and the highly publicised Ironman 70.3 circuit.
Racing at the top level of an endurance sport is tough and Jemima needs the best fuel she can find for her body. This is why she has turned to Purition for her nutritional needs and discusses how our all-natural, wholefood protein shakes help her perform at her best.
Introducing Purition
So anyone that spends a little bit of time with me can tell you that I do love to munch! Breakfast, second breakfast, snacks… Keeping this active takes A LOT of energy! But it is not just ‘energy’ its ‘good energy’. It is yummy, tasty, wholesome goodness that keeps me firing on all cylinders and performing at my best. That is why I am so delighted to team up with Purition.
Flying the flag for a truly natural product, Purition is NOT your ordinary protein shake. I can’t stand all those shakes that are full of chemicals and sweeteners – they just taste grim! But Purition set out to create the very best protein shakes without adding sugar or vast amounts of sweetener and flavourings. Their strawberry flavour (great in porridge!) is made from real strawberries and their vanilla (a fave for smoothies!) is made with Madagascan vanilla. Simple really!
But protein is just a part of the story. There is a nice healthy dose of natural fats and fibre from wholefood ingredients meaning that they are jolly nutritious too. Their shakes are made from scrummy seeds, nuts and natural food, all chopped, mixed, ground and packed by their very own in-house team in the UK.
As my training steps up and I am having to balance all of those energy demands alongside my university degree, Purition is proving to be a life saver!
I use Purition in my post-swimming breakfast of overnight oats or porridge. There is no longer an excuse for a snatch and grab packet of crisps when I can make a great tasting, uber nutritious, filling and healthy shake for the 4pm slump.
So far, my favourite flavours are the Macadamia & Vanilla and the Pistachio. I grab a sachet, throw it into the blender with some milk and fruit (usually berries or a banana), add a splash of milk (dairy or nutty, you choose) and nom nom nom in my tummy!
Review written by: Jemima Cooper – November 2018
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